Tarot and Spellcasting


How to incorporate Tarot and Oracle cards into Magickal Workings

Tarot was my gateway into the craft, as I’ve acquired my first deck at the tender age of 14. Practicing tarot has naturally lead me down the path of studying all thing having to do with witchcraft, and I’ve learned that tarot is not only a useful divination tool but also a powerful manifestation tool. Read ahead to see how I personally incorporate tarot into my workings. Although I personally use tarot, you’re welcome to incorporate your oracle cards instead.

The first thing I do is prepare my space for the working. I gather all my materials together, dress whatever candles I need to, and select cards before I center, ground, and cast the circle.

Selecting cards can be done one of two ways. One way is to shuffle and let the universe decide. The other is to rifle through them and choose card(s) purposefully. Both methods are effective. Here is where tarot becomes a powerful tool, because you are then able to refine and strengthen your intention using that card’s energy.


Here is a very basic spell set up with one card. I’ll often place the candle on a plate to protect my cards from dripping wax and to also adorn with other intentional epithets like sigils, plants, feathers, salt, and the like. I chose the two of cups here to strengthen my intention of drawing a new romantic interest into my life.


I will then place crystals on top of each card to ‘activate’ the card’s energy with yet another layer of intention. Here is the same working with the ace of cups added and a pyrite on top, symbolizing an open heart while also being assertive about it. Over the two of cups is a dragon’s blood jasper, which adds positive sexuality to the intention. Now the working has a little more masculinity in it’s energy profile.


Here is another example with the nine and ten of pentacles. The nine of pentacles covered by an amethyst, signifying a strong self image powered by self love. The ten of pentacles covered by a tiger’s eye, employing a discerning and wise attitude in regards to advancing in a career.

The tarot is comprised of 78 cards which express every facet of life. It is a treasure trove of different energies that can be combined in infinite ways for every intention imaginable. Get creative and have fun with it!

Blessed Be <3


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